Thursday, January 3, 2008

Huckabee in Iowa

Excellent words by Joseph A. Palermo on why Huckabee can't win this election...

"Mike Huckabee did not even know that Afghanistan is on the western border of Pakistan, not the eastern border, and he hadn't even heard about the recent NIE on Iran. Instead of reading books on geography and international relations, Huckabee has been absorbed in Bible-thumping. Public piety is the only criteria for millions of Republican voters who possess as little knowledge of foreign affairs as does Hucka-Bucka. Huckabee is as unqualified to be president as George W. Bush.

A Huckabee administration would be a disaster for the nation since we must mend fences in the coming years with the rest of the world and with the United Nations, and the Old Testament has shown itself to be a poor blueprint for U.S. foreign policy."

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