Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Huckabubble

Huckabee? Is The GOP Serious?

excerpts from a Sun-Times column written today by Steve Huntley

"Only a Republican Party hell-bent on political suicide would nominate Mike Huckabee as its standard-bearer in next year's presidential sweepstakes..."

"A Huckabee nomination would all but guarantee the GOP an election debacle of the magnitude of Barry Goldwater's 1964 loss -- but without establishing a foundation for the future as Goldwater's candidacy did..."

"For starters, Huckabee carries religiosity into politics far beyond acceptable boundaries for most traditional Republicans..."

"But Huckabee brazenly campaigns in Iowa as the candidate offering "Christian leadership." How would we feel about a politician touting "Jewish leadership" or "Muslim leadership"? Huckabee is injecting religion into politics to the detriment of both. And he's hitting below the belt by playing an evangelical card against Mitt Romney's Mormonism. Dirty politics from an ordained minister."

"Social conservatives energized by Huckabee's bid for the GOP nomination might take note of news reports about how he avoids religion in his campaigning in New Hampshire. Voters there are more fiscally conservative and not swayed by a former preacher glibly joking that Jesus is too smart to run for office."

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